[K3GTSRB1] - Dataset analysis and preparationĀ¶
Episode 1 : Analysis of the GTSRB dataset and creation of an enhanced datasetObjectives :Ā¶
- Understand the complexity associated with data, even when it is only images
- Learn how to build up a simple and usable image dataset
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) is a dataset with more than 50,000 photos of road signs from about 40 classes.
The final aim is to recognise them !
Description is available there : http://benchmark.ini.rub.de/?section=gtsrb&subsection=dataset
What we're going to do :Ā¶
- Understanding the dataset
- Preparing and formatting enhanced data
- Save enhanced datasets in h5 file format
Step 1 - Import and initĀ¶
import os, time, sys
import csv
import math, random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from skimage.morphology import disk
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
from skimage.filters import rank
from skimage import io, color, exposure, transform
from importlib import reload
import fidle
# Init Fidle environment
run_id, run_dir, datasets_dir = fidle.init('K3GTSRB1')
FIDLE - Environment initialization
Version : 2.3.2 Run id : K3GTSRB1 Run dir : ./run/K3GTSRB1 Datasets dir : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle Start time : 22/12/24 21:22:22 Hostname : r3i5n3 (Linux) Tensorflow log level : Info + Warning + Error (=0) Update keras cache : False Update torch cache : False Save figs : ./run/K3GTSRB1/figs (True) numpy : 2.1.2 sklearn : 1.5.2 yaml : 6.0.2 skimage : 0.24.0 matplotlib : 3.9.2 pandas : 2.2.3
Step 2 - ParametersĀ¶
The generation of datasets may require some time and space : 10' and 10 GB.
You can choose to perform tests or generate the whole enhanced dataset by setting the following parameters:
: 1 mean 100% of the dataset - set 0.2 for tests (need 2 minutes with scale = 0.2)
: Verbosity of progress bar: 0=silent, 1=progress bar, 2=One line
: where to write enhanced dataset, could be :
, for tests purpose<datasets_dir>/GTSRB/enhanced
to add clusters in your datasets dir.
Uncomment the right lines according to what you want :
# ---- For smart tests :
scale = 0.2
output_dir = './data'
# ---- For a Full dataset generation :
# scale = 1
# output_dir = f'{datasets_dir}/GTSRB/enhanced'
# ---- Verbosity
progress_verbosity = 2
Override parameters (batch mode) - Just forget this cell
fidle.override('scale', 'output_dir', 'progress_verbosity')
** Overrided parameters : ** scale : 1 output_dir : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced
Step 3 - Read the datasetĀ¶
Description is available there : http://benchmark.ini.rub.de/?section=gtsrb&subsection=dataset
- Each directory contains one CSV file with annotations :
and the training images - First line is fieldnames:
Filename ; Width ; Height ; Roi.X1 ; Roi.Y1 ; Roi.X2 ; Roi.Y2 ; ClassId
3.1 - Understanding the datasetĀ¶
The original dataset is in : <dataset_dir>/GTSRB/origine.
There is 3 subsets : Train, Test and Meta.
Each subset have an csv file and a subdir with images.
df = pd.read_csv(f'{datasets_dir}/GTSRB/origine/Test.csv', header=0)
Width | Height | Roi.X1 | Roi.Y1 | Roi.X2 | Roi.Y2 | ClassId | Path | |
0 | 53 | 54 | 6 | 5 | 48 | 49 | 16 | Test/00000.png |
1 | 42 | 45 | 5 | 5 | 36 | 40 | 1 | Test/00001.png |
2 | 48 | 52 | 6 | 6 | 43 | 47 | 38 | Test/00002.png |
3 | 27 | 29 | 5 | 5 | 22 | 24 | 33 | Test/00003.png |
4 | 60 | 57 | 5 | 5 | 55 | 52 | 11 | Test/00004.png |
5 | 52 | 56 | 5 | 5 | 47 | 51 | 38 | Test/00005.png |
6 | 147 | 130 | 12 | 12 | 135 | 119 | 18 | Test/00006.png |
7 | 32 | 33 | 5 | 5 | 26 | 28 | 12 | Test/00007.png |
8 | 45 | 50 | 6 | 5 | 40 | 45 | 25 | Test/00008.png |
9 | 81 | 86 | 7 | 7 | 74 | 79 | 35 | Test/00009.png |
3.2 - Usefull functionsĀ¶
A nice function for reading a dataset from an index.csv file.
Input: an intex.csv file
Output: an array of images ans an array of corresponding labels
def read_csv_dataset(csv_file):
Reads traffic sign data from German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark dataset.
csv filename : Description file, Example /data/GTSRB/Train.csv
x,y : np array of images, np array of corresponding labels
path = os.path.dirname(csv_file)
name = os.path.basename(csv_file)
# ---- Read csv file
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, header=0)
# ---- Get filenames and ClassIds
filenames = df['Path'].to_list()
y = df['ClassId'].to_list()
x = []
# ---- Read images
for filename in filenames:
fidle.utils.update_progress(name,len(x),len(filenames), verbosity=progress_verbosity)
# ---- Return
return np.array(x,dtype=object),np.array(y)
3.2 - Read the dataĀ¶
We will read the following datasets:
- Train subset, for learning data as :
x_train, y_train
- Test subset, for validation data as :
x_test, y_test
- Meta subset, for visualisation as :
x_meta, y_meta
The learning data will be randomly mixted and the illustration data (Meta) sorted.
Will take about 1'30s on HPC or 45s on my labtop.
# ---- Read datasets
(x_train,y_train) = read_csv_dataset(f'{datasets_dir}/GTSRB/origine/Train.csv')
(x_test ,y_test) = read_csv_dataset(f'{datasets_dir}/GTSRB/origine/Test.csv')
(x_meta ,y_meta) = read_csv_dataset(f'{datasets_dir}/GTSRB/origine/Meta.csv')
# ---- Shuffle train set
x_train, y_train = fidle.utils.shuffle_np_dataset(x_train, y_train)
# ---- Sort Meta
combined = list(zip(x_meta,y_meta))
combined.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
x_meta,y_meta = zip(*combined)
Train.csv [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Test.csv [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Meta.csv [########################################] 100.0% of 43 Datasets have been shuffled. Duration : 111.79 seconds
train_size = []
train_ratio = []
train_lx = []
train_ly = []
test_size = []
test_ratio = []
test_lx = []
test_ly = []
for image in x_train:
(lx,ly,lz) = image.shape
for image in x_test:
(lx,ly,lz) = image.shape
4.2 - Show statisticsĀ¶
# ------ Global stuff
print("x_train shape : ",x_train.shape)
print("y_train shape : ",y_train.shape)
print("x_test shape : ",x_test.shape)
print("y_test shape : ",y_test.shape)
# ------ Statistics / sizes
plt.hist([train_size,test_size], bins=100)
plt.gca().set(title='Sizes in Kpixels - Train=[{:5.2f}, {:5.2f}]'.format(min(train_size),max(train_size)),
ylabel='Population', xlim=[0,30])
# ------ Statistics / ratio lx/ly
plt.hist([train_ratio,test_ratio], bins=100)
plt.gca().set(title='Ratio lx/ly - Train=[{:5.2f}, {:5.2f}]'.format(min(train_ratio),max(train_ratio)),
ylabel='Population', xlim=[0.8,1.2])
# ------ Statistics / lx
plt.hist([train_lx,test_lx], bins=100)
plt.gca().set(title='Images lx - Train=[{:5.2f}, {:5.2f}]'.format(min(train_lx),max(train_lx)),
ylabel='Population', xlim=[20,150])
# ------ Statistics / ly
plt.hist([train_ly,test_ly], bins=100)
plt.gca().set(title='Images ly - Train=[{:5.2f}, {:5.2f}]'.format(min(train_ly),max(train_ly)),
ylabel='Population', xlim=[20,150])
# ------ Statistics / classId
plt.hist([y_train,y_test], bins=43)
plt.gca().set(title='ClassesId', ylabel='Population', xlim=[0,43])
x_train shape : (39209,) y_train shape : (39209,) x_test shape : (12630,) y_test shape : (12630,)
Step 5 - List of classesĀ¶
What are the 43 classes of our images...
fidle.scrawler.images( x_meta,y_meta, range(43), columns=8, x_size=1.4, y_size=1.4,
colorbar=False, y_pred=None, cm='binary', save_as='06-meta-signs')
Step 6 - What does it really look likeĀ¶
# ---- Get and show few images
samples = [ random.randint(0,len(x_train)-1) for i in range(32)]
fidle.scrawler.images( x_train,y_train, samples, columns=8, x_size=1.5, y_size=1.5,
colorbar=False, y_pred=None, cm='binary', save_as='07-real-signs')
Step 7 - dataset cooking...Ā¶
Images must :
- have the same size to match the size of the network,
- be normalized.
It is possible to work on rgb or monochrome images and to equalize the histograms.
See : Exposure with scikit-image
See : Local histogram equalization
See : Histogram equalization
7.1 - Enhancement cookingĀ¶
A nice function for preparing our data.
Input: a set of images (numpy array)
Output: a enhanced images, resized and reprocessed (numpy array)
def images_enhancement(images, width=25, height=25, proc='RGB'):
Resize and convert images - doesn't change originals.
input images must be RGBA or RGB.
Note : all outputs are fixed size numpy array of float32
images : images list
width,height : new images size (25,25)
mode : RGB | RGB-HE | L | L-HE | L-LHE | L-CLAHE
numpy array of enhanced images
lz={ 'RGB':3, 'RGB-HE':3, 'L':1, 'L-HE':1, 'L-LHE':1, 'L-CLAHE':1}[proc]
for img in images:
# ---- if RGBA, convert to RGB
if img.shape[2]==4:
# ---- Resize
img = transform.resize(img, (width,height))
# ---- RGB / Histogram Equalization
if proc=='RGB-HE':
hsv = color.rgb2hsv(img.reshape(width,height,3))
hsv[:, :, 2] = exposure.equalize_hist(hsv[:, :, 2])
img = color.hsv2rgb(hsv)
# ---- Grayscale
if proc=='L':
# ---- Grayscale / Histogram Equalization
if proc=='L-HE':
# ---- Grayscale / Local Histogram Equalization
if proc=='L-LHE':
img = img_as_ubyte(img)
img=rank.equalize(img, disk(10))/255.
# ---- Grayscale / Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
if proc=='L-CLAHE':
# ---- Add image in list of list
fidle.utils.update_progress('Enhancement: ',len(out),len(images))
# ---- Reshape images
# (-1, width,height,1) for L
# (-1, width,height,3) for RGB
out = np.array(out,dtype='float32')
out = out.reshape(-1,width,height,lz)
return out
7.2 - To get an idea of the different recipesĀ¶
x_samples = x_train[i:i+16]
y_samples = y_train[i:i+16]
datasets = {}
datasets['RGB'] = images_enhancement( x_samples, width=25, height=25, proc='RGB' )
datasets['RGB-HE'] = images_enhancement( x_samples, width=25, height=25, proc='RGB-HE' )
datasets['L'] = images_enhancement( x_samples, width=25, height=25, proc='L' )
datasets['L-HE'] = images_enhancement( x_samples, width=25, height=25, proc='L-HE' )
datasets['L-LHE'] = images_enhancement( x_samples, width=25, height=25, proc='L-LHE' )
datasets['L-CLAHE'] = images_enhancement( x_samples, width=25, height=25, proc='L-CLAHE' )
x_expected=[ x_meta[i] for i in y_samples]
fidle.scrawler.images(x_expected, y_samples, range(12), columns=12, x_size=1, y_size=1,
colorbar=False, y_pred=None, cm='binary', save_as='08-expected')
fidle.scrawler.images(x_samples, y_samples, range(12), columns=12, x_size=1, y_size=1,
colorbar=False, y_pred=None, cm='binary', save_as='09-original')
for k,d in datasets.items():
print("dataset : {} min,max=[{:.3f},{:.3f}] shape={}".format(k,d.min(),d.max(), d.shape))
fidle.scrawler.images(d, y_samples, range(12), columns=12, x_size=1, y_size=1,
colorbar=False, y_pred=None, cm='binary', save_as=f'{n}-enhanced-{k}')
Enhancement: [################] 100.0% of 16 Enhancement: [################] 100.0% of 16 Enhancement: [################] 100.0% of 16 Enhancement: [################] 100.0% of 16 Enhancement: [################] 100.0% of 16 Enhancement: [################] 100.0% of 16
dataset : RGB min,max=[0.023,1.000] shape=(16, 25, 25, 3)
dataset : RGB-HE min,max=[0.001,1.000] shape=(16, 25, 25, 3)
dataset : L min,max=[0.025,1.000] shape=(16, 25, 25, 1)
dataset : L-HE min,max=[0.002,1.000] shape=(16, 25, 25, 1)
dataset : L-LHE min,max=[0.000,1.000] shape=(16, 25, 25, 1)
dataset : L-CLAHE min,max=[0.000,1.000] shape=(16, 25, 25, 1)
7.3 - Cook and saveĀ¶
A function to save a dataset (h5 file)
def save_h5_dataset(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, x_meta,y_meta, filename):
# ---- Create h5 file
with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f:
f.create_dataset("x_train", data=x_train)
f.create_dataset("y_train", data=y_train)
f.create_dataset("x_test", data=x_test)
f.create_dataset("y_test", data=y_test)
f.create_dataset("x_meta", data=x_meta)
f.create_dataset("y_meta", data=y_meta)
# ---- done
print('Dataset : {:24s} shape : {:22s} size : {:6.1f} Mo (saved)'.format(filename, str(x_train.shape),size))
Generate enhanced datasets :
# ---- Size and processings
all_size= [24, 48]
all_proc=['RGB', 'RGB-HE', 'L', 'L-LHE']
# ---- Do it
n_train = int( len(x_train)*scale )
n_test = int( len(x_test)*scale )
fidle.utils.subtitle('Parameters :')
print(f'Scale is : {scale}')
print(f'x_train length is : {n_train}')
print(f'x_test length is : {n_test}')
print(f'output dir is : {output_dir}\n')
for s in all_size:
for m in all_proc:
# ---- A nice dataset name
filename = f'{output_dir}/set-{s}x{s}-{m}.h5'
fidle.utils.subtitle(f'Dataset : {filename}')
# ---- Enhancement
# Note : x_train is a numpy array of python objects (images with <> sizes)
# but images_enhancement() return a real array of float64 numpy (images with same size)
# so, we can save it in nice h5 files
x_train_new = images_enhancement( x_train[:n_train], width=s, height=s, proc=m )
x_test_new = images_enhancement( x_test[:n_test], width=s, height=s, proc=m )
x_meta_new = images_enhancement( x_meta, width=s, height=s, proc='RGB' )
# ---- Save
save_h5_dataset( x_train_new, y_train[:n_train], x_test_new, y_test[:n_test], x_meta_new,y_meta, filename)
Parameters :
Scale is : 1 x_train length is : 39209 x_test length is : 12630 output dir is : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-RGB.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-RGB.h5 shape : (39209, 24, 24, 3) size : 342.4 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-RGB-HE.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-RGB-HE.h5 shape : (39209, 24, 24, 3) size : 342.4 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-L.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43 Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-L.h5 shape : (39209, 24, 24, 1) size : 114.6 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-L-LHE.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43 Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-24x24-L-LHE.h5 shape : (39209, 24, 24, 1) size : 114.6 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-RGB.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-RGB.h5 shape : (39209, 48, 48, 3) size : 1368.4 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-RGB-HE.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-RGB-HE.h5 shape : (39209, 48, 48, 3) size : 1368.4 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-L.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-L.h5 shape : (39209, 48, 48, 1) size : 457.1 Mo (saved)
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-L-LHE.h5
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 39209
Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 12630 Enhancement: [########################################] 100.0% of 43
Dataset : /lustre/fswork/projects/rech/mlh/uja62cb/fidle-project/datasets-fidle/GTSRB/enhanced/set-48x48-L-LHE.h5 shape : (39209, 48, 48, 1) size : 457.1 Mo (saved) Done. Duration : 478.47 seconds
Step 8 - Reload data to be sure ;-)Ā¶
with h5py.File(f'{output_dir}/{dataset}.h5','r') as f:
x_tmp = f['x_train'][:]
y_tmp = f['y_train'][:]
print("dataset loaded from h5 file.")
fidle.scrawler.images(x_tmp,y_tmp, samples, columns=8, x_size=1.5, y_size=1.5,
colorbar=False, y_pred=None, cm='binary', save_as='16-enhanced_images')
dataset loaded from h5 file.
Duration : 3.97 seconds
End time : 22/12/24 21:32:41
Duration : 00:10:19 304ms
This notebook ends here :-)