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par dans 02 - L’enfer des données, des modèles et des représentations...

is it possible to solve the problem of the travelling salesman with machine learning?

With one of these GNN?

Could you explain why yes, why not, please?

Thank you

1 Réponse

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par Vétéran du GPU 🐋 (66.1k points)
sélectionné par
Thank you.
I don't understand why you ask me why.
I did not know, I just asked a question. I thought that was ok.
To apply ML to the traveling saleman problem, I need structured data, correct?
In terms to decide for example, what is the best way for a cyclist, what is the best scenic route?
Btw, how good is this solution? This paper? I am not an expert. But if I remember, I know that solving this problems bring 1 Mio Dollar. Was this accepted for the prize?
par Vétéran du GPU 🐋 (66.1k points)
I don't know, my link was to show that DL can be a solution for this problem (like many others)
Some algorithms need strutured data, other don't
But is it "the" solution?
To show also that p=np ?